Religious Freedom Awards 2021 honors three women in the field of state-church law in Spain

The Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society, in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 2019, and founded by the Church of Scientology in 2015, was in charge of presenting these pioneering awards in Spain, which have now reached their 8th edition. (source– [read full article])
The event, organized by the Church of Scientology Fundacion MEJORA, was held in person and via streaming. It was attended by experts and professors in religious freedom, and staff of the General Subdirectorate of Religious Freedom of the Ministry of Presidency, including its director Ms. Mercedes Murillo, who congratulated the Foundation, and the award winners Ms. Zoila Combalía, Ms. Mercedes Vidal, and Ms. Isabel Cano. Representatives of the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation and the Baha’i Community of Spain also participated.
At the ceremony presented by Ivan Arjona (President of the Foundation) and Isabel Ayuso, (Secretary-General of the Foundation), Prof. Mercedes Murillo said, “Thank you, Ivan, as always, so committed to everything, to your work and well, congratulations also to the Church of Scientology of Spain for a new edition of these awards and for the correct choice of the people who have been recognized tonight.
Murillo said of the award winners: “They are three great professionals in the area of state ecclesiastical law … and I have also had the opportunity and the good fortune to work with all three of them. I know their worth, their merits, and of course, they are absolutely deserving of this recognition. Three women, moreover, who have been working in this field for some time and I think it is also very important to highlight this loyalty… in an area that is probably not the most popular within the university sphere, but which I believe does important and significant work in the field of respect for and protection of human rights. So, congratulations to the three of them. Zoila, Mercedes, and Isabel”.